SMC_ by CD Boyland

"Chris Boyland’s Smc_ brilliantly offers us an almost futuristic vision of a complex world which can only be rendered through combining digital elements with more familiar technologies of photography and pen. And yet this elegant, finely wrought and compelling visual poetry is also like finding a fabulous, lost notebook full of arcane secrets and vital clues to other worlds which perhaps have always inhabited, complicated and deconstructed our familiar world. In this book, signs and symbols, maps and diagrams beckon us but elude our interpretation. Precise marks, curving lines and black-and-white photographs seem to promise elucidation but are then combined into mysterious diptychs and hybrid images which compel and fascinate. They could be plans, formulae and mathematical structures of other versions of our world, or then again they might simply be beautiful but unsolvable puzzles. In this stunning book, Boyland demonstrates brilliantly how poetry can create intricately beautiful structures to engage the reader in multiple aesthetic, semiotic and metaphysical adventures and which offer serious reflections on the elusive, multiple world of meaning we think we occupy." - Susie Campbell, author of Enclosures
Perfect bound paperback, 34 pages, monochrome. Published by Steel Incisors, a UK-based press dedicated to innovative visual poetry across a wide range of media and styles.